Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What if?

The other day my back was hurting after standing a long time. I got tired too easily. Now I know I just gave birth 2 months ago. But I still thought things had gone too far. Though I was eating healthy every day, feasting every night would have to come to a halt. I thought, I just cant afford to get any bigger than this. It hurts too much.

Aren't I worth too much in God's kingdom to let myself become unhealthy? Yes, I believe I am worth more than that to God and we all are!

That's why I decided to make my new journey of weightloss public and invite others to join me. I thought more accuntability would bring more power.

So I began asking myself today, WHAT IF? What if I were to take care of myself? By that I mean, what if I were to treat my body and soul as well as they derserve to be treated and better? How would I look and think and most importantly feel?

Would I have more energy as a Mom, able to run all over the house playing with my Bella & Micah? Would I be a more fun and energetic wife?  Would the lack of sugar in my system make my soul feel more at peace and able to focus?

I wonder...what if I take care of myself? Do you wonder too, why we throw away our health for a cheap momentary pleasure of a favorite food? A food we can later enjoy when we lose weight or a food we can just take a bite of without ravishing the whole container of it? Arent we worth it? Dont we have a great detiny and dreams to fulfill? Dont we wanna live life without so much back pain and weariness. I do!

Pray to God with today and ask him to reveal the answer to this question for you...what if I take care of myself today? And what is stopping me? Let's be overcomers! Join the fight against the flesh w me through the power of the spirit in you.

Love to hear your comments!

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