Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day?- Great idea! Went to the doctor about my weight struggles!

Yesterday was the coolest day ever! After seeing my weight stand still for a week, I decided to go to a wellness center. There is a legit and well known doctor there who specializes in natural and not so natural remedies for weight loss and hormones and all that other important stuff that makes the body run on optimum levels.

Anywho, Dr Amy took a blood test and talked to me about my options to go along with my healthy eating plan and work outs. I am very excited now. What could be better than having your doctor partner with you as your accountability partner and helper? I am sure she will help me overcome any discouragement that has crept in.

PS- had a craving for cake tonite. Put a tiny piece on a tablespoon and ate it very slowly. Seemed to work.

I'll let you know how it goes with the doctor as we do some more tests and discuss treatment options. Meanwhile, hi ho hi ho, it's off to bed I go. Let's keep doing this thing!

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