Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 28*- This is dedicated to all you work out "hatahs" (haters) LOL

Someone was telling me its not always easy to get herself to workout. And i could'nt agree more!!!  i hate working out!! OK- it feels awesome after I am done. Yes, when i get home from the gym i feel like a million dollars. But choosing to GET THERE is another story.

This is how i overcome. i psych myself into it by telling myself I'm gonna watch TV on the treadmill. And there r some really fun shows to watch like HGTV & TLC or even Fox news sometimes excites me.

i get mytself thru the weight portion of my workouts by setting extremely small goals and short time committments. hey! Dont judge me all you lovers of bodybuilding n work out gurus! at least it's some kinda committment to taking care of me, right?'

Lost 9 lbs in 4 weeks so far. Got a long way to go. but i'm thinking "one day at a time. (typing 1 handedly n feeding baby w other hand...sorry for the typos)

So this week, my friend, let's concentrate on GETTING THERE - TO THE GYM I MEAN. Once we get there, we will ask God for strength & power & joy.

Greater is He who lives in me than he that is in the world. (paraphrased from 1 John 4:4, the Bible)

*counting in order now from day 1 till today whereas when I began, I was counting down. Sorry for the confusion.

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