Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 90 - Just for Today...what if I take care of myself - releasing stress

Stress...we all feel it. Three year old now crying upstairs in her room because she doesnt like nap time/roomtime though she knows it's good for her. My newborn hears the pleading and starts to awaken out of his sweet sleep. OYE! My hopes of having a cup of coffee and relaxing for a moment sink like the titanic.

I won't reach for chocolate (I need to be extreme for a few weeks and then I'll allow myself low sugar 75% dark chocolate) or any other "comfort food." My cup of coffee will suffice. I take a deep breath, sit down and suddenly, God shows up and in his grace, Bella quiets down.

I rejoice about the healthy lunch I just had and release the stress by putting my feet up even if it's just for 5 minutes. Eating healthy makes me feel like a million dollars.

I refuse to let my healthy eating plan go down the drain, blaming my poor choices on ANY stresses in my life. I wanna make the best choices not mediocre ones. Comfort comes from God alone. His grace is sufficient for me.

Just for today, I will drink lots of water (or club soda or water with lemon) allow myself a relaxing cup of "Joe" or tea and I shall allow God to be my comfort.

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