Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day?- Great idea! Went to the doctor about my weight struggles!

Yesterday was the coolest day ever! After seeing my weight stand still for a week, I decided to go to a wellness center. There is a legit and well known doctor there who specializes in natural and not so natural remedies for weight loss and hormones and all that other important stuff that makes the body run on optimum levels.

Anywho, Dr Amy took a blood test and talked to me about my options to go along with my healthy eating plan and work outs. I am very excited now. What could be better than having your doctor partner with you as your accountability partner and helper? I am sure she will help me overcome any discouragement that has crept in.

PS- had a craving for cake tonite. Put a tiny piece on a tablespoon and ate it very slowly. Seemed to work.

I'll let you know how it goes with the doctor as we do some more tests and discuss treatment options. Meanwhile, hi ho hi ho, it's off to bed I go. Let's keep doing this thing!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 28*- This is dedicated to all you work out "hatahs" (haters) LOL

Someone was telling me its not always easy to get herself to workout. And i could'nt agree more!!!  i hate working out!! OK- it feels awesome after I am done. Yes, when i get home from the gym i feel like a million dollars. But choosing to GET THERE is another story.

This is how i overcome. i psych myself into it by telling myself I'm gonna watch TV on the treadmill. And there r some really fun shows to watch like HGTV & TLC or even Fox news sometimes excites me.

i get mytself thru the weight portion of my workouts by setting extremely small goals and short time committments. hey! Dont judge me all you lovers of bodybuilding n work out gurus! at least it's some kinda committment to taking care of me, right?'

Lost 9 lbs in 4 weeks so far. Got a long way to go. but i'm thinking "one day at a time. (typing 1 handedly n feeding baby w other hand...sorry for the typos)

So this week, my friend, let's concentrate on GETTING THERE - TO THE GYM I MEAN. Once we get there, we will ask God for strength & power & joy.

Greater is He who lives in me than he that is in the world. (paraphrased from 1 John 4:4, the Bible)

*counting in order now from day 1 till today whereas when I began, I was counting down. Sorry for the confusion.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

DAY- I don't know - Focus on the fun! Focus on life...La Chaim!

Nothing complicated or deep to share today... just being real n keeping it simple.

 I notice when I concentrate on having fun or on enjoying my life, family or the things I love, there is less temptation for me. For example, activities like going swimming, writing songs, writing to you, calling someone to say hello and taking a break from my hectic life to take a hot bath.

 These are a few of my favorite things! These things keep me from over-eating. LOL! Can you hear the sound of music? Oy is that corny or what?

Anyway, just for today, I am going to take care of myself. I will choose my health over the momentary pleasure of Dark Chocolate or Milk or Juice or Ice-cream....some other things I love. I WILL eat those foods again in moderation once I am at a healthy weight. But just not right now.

Right now, I choose health and life. La Chaim! (to life) This is what my Jewish people say when we make a toast w/ our family and friends wishing the best of everything for one another.

And to you & I, I say, "LA CHAIM!" To OUR lives! Because we deserve LIFE. Life that comes from a relationship with God and life that comes from treating our bodies 100% like we are jewels in His hand.

all my love,
Michelle Gold

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 82- Progress, not perfection!

Call me "slogan girl" if you wish. But I LOVE slogans. Yes, I am totally corny and silly and that's why I like to use silly corny slogans to help me remember life's lessons and stay strong.

Progress not perfection is one I learned a long time ago.

When I was 21 years old, I could eat healthy and lose TONS of weight in a short period of time. Now, I am 35 and my metabolism aint what it used to be. So when I weighed myself this week and saw I was only 3 pounds lighter, I HAD to stay encouraged. Any progress is better than going back to the unhealthy state I was in.

To continue making progress, I must remember WHY I am doing this- giving up sugar thing. To be strong for my kids and to feel less pain in my back and hip joints.

Case & Point, I lead the worship music at our congregation last week. Though the presence of God was evident & powerful, when I got home, my feet and hips were sore & I had to soak in the tub. EMBARRASSING!

That's why I want to eat healthy. This is all not to be PERFECT, I am doing this just to feel better in my body. What's the reason YOU want to make progress? Let's use those reasons as fuel to keep making healthy choices and doing away with old unhealthy choices. You and I are worth it to God "for shizzy!" (for real)

Lessons I learned today-

1. Need to pat myself on the back and thank the Lord every day that I have made progress. There is no need for condeming ourselves. We are God's children & He finds us beautiful.

2. Always keep cooked or easy to cook or prepare veggies in the fridge in case a craving comes for sugar. Tonite, I got a severe sugar craving and ended up having celery w cream cheese "shmeared" on it. Whereas last night, I did not do as well. Since we did not have veggies made I took a teespoon of honey to calm my craving down. That wasnt terrible but the celery was a better idea.

3. If necessary, distract "thyself" from sugar cravings by watching a great TV show and or by praying. I had so many laughs tonite watching the tube, I tricked myself into thinking the celery actually tasted great. I tricked myself!!! LOL!

Let's go make some progress!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 84- my head says it's not possible but my heart says BELIEVE!

My head says it's not possible but my heart says believe it! It's day 84 and I am still going strong. Each day I realize how totally and completely dependent I am on God's spirit within me for overcoming temptation.

Greatest tempation in my past? Late night snacking on stuff with sugar.
Also, using things like other people's birthdays & celebrations as excuses to cheat off my healthy eating plan.

Some low carb snacks I have been having have been things like sugar free jello and green tea or avacado. Joey has been making arugala & mozzorella omlettes and tonite he had celery sticks with cream cheese "shmeared" inside. LOL!

Our fridge is overflowing  with delicious veggies to add to our meals (or eggs in the morning) from asparagus, to string beans to summer squash, arugala and spinich. Just for a few weeks we'll have these veggies instead of rice, bread or pasta.* It's all power food and I feel like a million dollars most of the time I am eating this stuff.

Our wallets didnt love it when we came back from the grocery store. But we know we'll save on medicines and doctors later on if we take care of ourselves.

We gotta believe we are worth it if not to ourselves than at least to God!

Ok signing off for now. Believing God can help me do this! LET'S DO THIS!! YES WE CAN!!!!!!! YES WE WILL. We have come to far to go back again.


I would be so blessed if you supported me on my food choices though they might not be yours personally. And I will totally support YOU! Joey and I happen to love the later phases of the Atkins eating plan and have seen positive results at the doctors office from eating that way in the past.
Giving you the heads up cuz you're gonna hear me share about some higher fat foods like steak and avacado and olives but just wanted you to know that this is on my personal plan so not to worry.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 86- Excuses excuses...God is bigger

Today I had some very interesting excuses to NOT to to the gym. Hmmmmm. So in my head I began to go over them to see if the reasons were worthy of being forgiven for being lazy for the day.

First, my belly felt queasy. Felt like I was fighting off some kind of stomach virus. hmmmm, I thought. What if I don't care of myself and get healthy today because my belly hurts????? I had no fever and my throat felt fine. Perhaps I could push myself.

Then, I got distracted with catching up with those I love on facebook and email - typing with one hand while feeding the baby a bottle with the other hand. It was getting late in the day, maybe too late to go to the gym because I was running out of energy.

BUT God was and is BIGGER than my excuses. Lifting up a little prayer for strength, I popped 8 cherry tomatoes, a tall glass of lemon water and headed out the door.

It felt entirely AWESOME to stretch out all my sore muscles on the mat and walk on the treadmill while watching my favorite shows and laughing my tuchas off- literally! LOL!

Right before I pressed the start button on the treadmill, one more tiny excuse tried to crawl into my mind  like a crumb into a crevice. My right toe began itching like there was no tomorrow from a chigger bite I got outside on the 4th of July (like a mosquito bite but way more itchy).

"Lord,"  I cried out, "I hate to bother you with seemingly insignificant things. But please let this itch go away now so I can take care of this body you gave me." He answered my prayer. I got home today feeling more refreshed and strengthened than ever before.

God is bigger than my excuses.
Stay healthy & be refreshed!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 90 - Just for Today...what if I take care of myself - releasing stress

Stress...we all feel it. Three year old now crying upstairs in her room because she doesnt like nap time/roomtime though she knows it's good for her. My newborn hears the pleading and starts to awaken out of his sweet sleep. OYE! My hopes of having a cup of coffee and relaxing for a moment sink like the titanic.

I won't reach for chocolate (I need to be extreme for a few weeks and then I'll allow myself low sugar 75% dark chocolate) or any other "comfort food." My cup of coffee will suffice. I take a deep breath, sit down and suddenly, God shows up and in his grace, Bella quiets down.

I rejoice about the healthy lunch I just had and release the stress by putting my feet up even if it's just for 5 minutes. Eating healthy makes me feel like a million dollars.

I refuse to let my healthy eating plan go down the drain, blaming my poor choices on ANY stresses in my life. I wanna make the best choices not mediocre ones. Comfort comes from God alone. His grace is sufficient for me.

Just for today, I will drink lots of water (or club soda or water with lemon) allow myself a relaxing cup of "Joe" or tea and I shall allow God to be my comfort.

What if?

The other day my back was hurting after standing a long time. I got tired too easily. Now I know I just gave birth 2 months ago. But I still thought things had gone too far. Though I was eating healthy every day, feasting every night would have to come to a halt. I thought, I just cant afford to get any bigger than this. It hurts too much.

Aren't I worth too much in God's kingdom to let myself become unhealthy? Yes, I believe I am worth more than that to God and we all are!

That's why I decided to make my new journey of weightloss public and invite others to join me. I thought more accuntability would bring more power.

So I began asking myself today, WHAT IF? What if I were to take care of myself? By that I mean, what if I were to treat my body and soul as well as they derserve to be treated and better? How would I look and think and most importantly feel?

Would I have more energy as a Mom, able to run all over the house playing with my Bella & Micah? Would I be a more fun and energetic wife?  Would the lack of sugar in my system make my soul feel more at peace and able to focus?

I wonder...what if I take care of myself? Do you wonder too, why we throw away our health for a cheap momentary pleasure of a favorite food? A food we can later enjoy when we lose weight or a food we can just take a bite of without ravishing the whole container of it? Arent we worth it? Dont we have a great detiny and dreams to fulfill? Dont we wanna live life without so much back pain and weariness. I do!

Pray to God with today and ask him to reveal the answer to this question for you...what if I take care of myself today? And what is stopping me? Let's be overcomers! Join the fight against the flesh w me through the power of the spirit in you.

Love to hear your comments!