Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 82- Progress, not perfection!

Call me "slogan girl" if you wish. But I LOVE slogans. Yes, I am totally corny and silly and that's why I like to use silly corny slogans to help me remember life's lessons and stay strong.

Progress not perfection is one I learned a long time ago.

When I was 21 years old, I could eat healthy and lose TONS of weight in a short period of time. Now, I am 35 and my metabolism aint what it used to be. So when I weighed myself this week and saw I was only 3 pounds lighter, I HAD to stay encouraged. Any progress is better than going back to the unhealthy state I was in.

To continue making progress, I must remember WHY I am doing this- giving up sugar thing. To be strong for my kids and to feel less pain in my back and hip joints.

Case & Point, I lead the worship music at our congregation last week. Though the presence of God was evident & powerful, when I got home, my feet and hips were sore & I had to soak in the tub. EMBARRASSING!

That's why I want to eat healthy. This is all not to be PERFECT, I am doing this just to feel better in my body. What's the reason YOU want to make progress? Let's use those reasons as fuel to keep making healthy choices and doing away with old unhealthy choices. You and I are worth it to God "for shizzy!" (for real)

Lessons I learned today-

1. Need to pat myself on the back and thank the Lord every day that I have made progress. There is no need for condeming ourselves. We are God's children & He finds us beautiful.

2. Always keep cooked or easy to cook or prepare veggies in the fridge in case a craving comes for sugar. Tonite, I got a severe sugar craving and ended up having celery w cream cheese "shmeared" on it. Whereas last night, I did not do as well. Since we did not have veggies made I took a teespoon of honey to calm my craving down. That wasnt terrible but the celery was a better idea.

3. If necessary, distract "thyself" from sugar cravings by watching a great TV show and or by praying. I had so many laughs tonite watching the tube, I tricked myself into thinking the celery actually tasted great. I tricked myself!!! LOL!

Let's go make some progress!

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